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SQL is hard to troubleshoot because it's relatively monolithic, unlike modern modular OOP languages. Thus it's often hard to divide a SQL statement into sections. I don't claim to be an SQL guru, but here are some tips that have helped me in the past. Note that many SQL problems fall into one of these categories:
Statement trashes the database
Statement takes forever
Statement takes much too long
Statement erroneously fails to bring
back results
Statement returns the wrong results
Build tiny test queries to test the SQL in parts.
Test subqueries first.
Comment liberally.
If it's a trigger or stored procedure, be sure to install each change before
It's often easier to test triggers/stored procedures live in ISQL (or whatever).
If possible, have an up-to-date, full-sized test database on another server
for testing.
These are often the same thing since terminating the database connection often trashes the database. This is one of the rare cases when you'd prefer not to reproduce the symptom. Luckily, you can build the statement from scratch, one step at a time, evaluating each step to see if it will cause problems. This evaluation should include a check to make sure any lookup is either on a key field, or on a tiny table. It should also include a theoretical check for those multiplicative joins that produce unwieldy result sets. I build in this sequence, and test after each modification:
One way to handle this is to treat it like it takes forever. Alternately, you can do a bottleneck analysis. Start with the general maintenance procedure of making sure every join and lookup accesses its table by a key (unless the table is tiny). Then comment out parts of the SQL statement using /* */. When you can toggle the exessive delay by commenting out and in a particular section of the SQL, see what's wrong with that section. You may need to run that section it separately using ISQL or whatever.
Usually caused by a join/lookup finding nothing. Take out lookups and try again. If that eliminates the symptom, narrow the cause to the specific lookup. If it doesn't, look at the logic of the underlying query.
It's often best to start with the logic of the underlying query. Write it in English. Then make a SQL statement (no lookups or stored procedures) to return the correct results. If the problem with the original SQL is immediately obvious, just fix and test the original. Otherwise, add the lookups and computed fields a step at a time, testing along the way. Fix problems as they occur. Once you have a complete, working SQL statement, see where it differs from the original. It's important to figure why the problem happened so you can quickly solve similar problems later. Lastly, fix the original or replace it with the one you built up.
See also: [ Code Corner | Troubleshooters.Com | Email Steve Litt | Copyright Notice ]