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I'm frequently asked "Steve, how do you know so much about so many things?" The skills attained from following the Universal Troubleshooting Process help me fix almost anything. Read more... |
Salinity phosphate remover is advertised to be used with salt
pools (I guess the kind that create chlorine from salt). I don't have a
salt pool, but the guy at the local pool store said it would work just
fine on any pool, and indeed it worked well on my pool. This brand
seems to have the advantage of removing roughly the same phosphate per
bottle, and it costs a little less per bottle. In other words, it seems
to have a price advantage. This product is available from Pinch-A-Penny stores. The Pinch-A-Penny chain has stores in Florida, Georgia and Alabama. As far as I know, you cannot order this product online. There may be side effects of using a salt water phosphate remover on a non-salt-water pool. If you know of any, please email me. |
PHOSfree phosphate remover seems to be more widely available
than Salinity. The only reason I don't use it is economic -- it seems
to cost a little more per bottle and removes roughly the same
phosphate per bottle, at least according to what I've learned so far. PHOSfree is manufactured by Natural Chemistry ( Their website lists several retailers, including Leslies Swimming Pool Supplies. I bought mine at a bricks and mortar Leslies Swimming Pool Supplies store. If you know a reason why PHOSfree is worth the apparent higher cost, or reasons why it really does not cost more, or a less expensive source of this product, please email me. |
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