Copyright (C) 2007, 2011, 2013 by Steve Litt, All rights reserved. Material provided as-is, use at your own risk.
libexec/nullmailer/smtp --helpNote that in the preceding, libexec is a subdirectory of some other directory, so you'll need to put in the whole path. If the preceding command lists an argument called --ssl, then the program is SSL enabled. Otherwise it isn't, and you must get a modern version and compile it with SSL enabled.
./configure --enable-tlsWhen you do your make, it will stop each time it encounters an unfulfilled dependency. You use your package manager to install each of those dependencies. Here's a hint: Before you start, install the dev files for gnutls.
sudo make install
sudo make install-root
The previous version of this document relied heavily on Kmail. I don't use Kmail anymore, and I couldn't possibly recommend it. Also, this version has an accompanying troubleshooting document called Nullmailer Landmine Map, which you can use to solve those really tough Nullmailer problems. This revision took place after much more Nullmailer experience.
What I did, and I recommend you do too, is make a junk email account and use that for user and password. That way, if the password gets away from you, it's a junk account you can delete. |
smtp --port=<portno> --user=<loginname>
--pass=<yourpassword> |
locate -i nullmail > nullmailer.filesBe sure to update the tree for the locate command before doing so. On my computer, you update it with sudo updatedb.
Thinking your config files are in one place when they should really be in
another is a frequent cause of the dreaded "Could not load the
config" error message, while having your executables somewhere where
you don't expect them is a frequent cause of the "Sending failed:
Could not exec program" error message.My Nullmailer Landmine Map document shows you how to work with such ambiguous error messages in order to fix your problems. |
File |
Used by |
Use |
remotes |
nullmailer-send |
Defines the SMTP server(s) to which
you send email, and the protocol with which to access them. |
me |
nullmailer-inject | Badly documented, but my experiments
tell me its best to put your ISP's domain name here. |
defaulthost | nullmailer-inject | Overrides the hostname in
/etc/mailhost. As a practical matter, it's often necessary to set
this to the domain name of your ISP, e.g. |
defaultdomain | nullmailer-inject | If the hostname determined by the
defaulthost file or /etc/mailname has no dots, then this is bolted
on at the back of that hostname. |
pausetime | nullmailer-send | From the man page: The
number of seconds to pause between successive
queue runs when there are messages in the queue (defaults to
60). If
set to 0, nullmailer-send will exit immediately after going
through the queue once (one-shot mode). In other words, how many seconds will you wait to let messages accumulate before sending them. |
adminaddr | nullmailer-queue | The email address to whom Nullmailer
sends failures and errors. |
helohost |
nullmailer-send | More protocol stuff. Beyond the scope
of this document. |
sendtimeout |
nullmailer-send | The man page is unclear on this, but
it appears to be a timeout on an individual message send and appears
to default to one hour. One hour is probably an excellent value on
dialup, but on a properly functioning high speed (10Mbps) Internet I
can't imagine a realistic send from a home computer lasting more
than ten minutes, and if the file is that big, you're probably going
to run into limits at the SMTP server. |
If you really get in a troubleshooting pickle, go to my Nullmailer Landmine Map document for some detailed, practical help. |
service nullmailer startOn my self-compiled nullmailer-send version 1.11 on Xubuntu 12.10, I do it like this:
nullmailer-sendor, if you want it to start when you boot your computer, you can make it a service in /etc/init.d or make it a Daemontools service (see
nullmailer-sendHere's a nice script that can send a test message on a Linux computer, obviously after you set variables for names and email addresses in the top section:
Dufus Alert
If any of your recipients is a mailing list, make sure your sender address is a member of that mailing list, or else your message won't go through. Sounds obvious, right? Well, as the possessor of multiple email addresses, I got nailed by this obvious dufus move and lost a half hour trying to figure it out. |