Copyright (C) 2012 by Steve Litt, All rights reserved. Material provided as-is, use at your own risk.
If you actually do press "d" while hovering, you will delete the current message, so be sure to undelete it. This particular annoyance is one you might not want to reproduce, or if you do reproduce it, best to reproduce it in a folder with nothing but junk messages. |
Before you can change hotkeys, you must first enable customizeable hotkeys. To do that, Configuration->Preferences brings you to the Preferences window, from which you choose the Miscellaneous page near the bottom of the page list on the left side of the window. Make sure that "Enable customizeable keyboard shortcuts" is checked, because that's what enables you to change hotkeys. |
Litt's Opinion
Always use SSL for both transmitting and receiving email. To do otherwise is to give away your passwords, which at the very least enables badguys to receive your emails, and send bogus emails on your behalf. Can you imagine if somebody took over your account to send out underaged porn? There are people who scrupulously tunnel through to their home server when on the road, and yet that home server itself doesn't use SSL and is therefore wide open. Make sure to use SSL on both send and receive. If your ISP doesn't have SSL, get a new one. |
f & ~B troubleshootingThe preceding first selects only messages from, and then, with that subset, does a full message search on "troubleshooting" and returns only those messages not containing the word "troubleshooting". If most messages are not from, the preceding search goes very fast because it first eliminates everything not from, and full text searches only that small subset.