INTENT OF THE LITT PERL DEVELOPMENT TOOL LICENSE The intent of the Litt Perl Development Tool License (LPDTL) is to provide programmers with a development tool that is copylefted free software without requiring applications built from this tool to be free software. I (Steve Litt) have tried to craft the LPDTL to prevent "cute and innovative" ways of taking this tool private. For instance, a person might try to make the LPDTL licensed code dependent on subroutines in proprietary subroutines. This is why the LPDTL has a clause stating that all *development* features must reside in the LPDTL code, or in GPL code, but not non-GPL-compatible code. Although the LPDTL allows its use with software of almost any license, it specifically forbits use with licenses doing any of the following: 1. Restricting reverse engineering 2. Restricting discussion about the software 3. Code that includes software patents I feel that restrictions on reverse engineering and discussion, and software patents, are so destructive to society, that I have included language preventing use of LPDTL licensed code with any software incorporating any of these three atrocities.