Ruby Revival
Copyright (C) 2005 by Steve Litt
Note: All materials in Ruby Revival are provided AS IS. By reading the
materials in Ruby Revival you are agreeing to assume all risks involved
in the use of the materials, and you are agreeing to absolve the
owners, and anyone else involved with Ruby Revival of any
for the outcome of any use of these materials, even in the case of
and/or omissions in the materials. If you do not agree to this, you
not read these materials.
To the 99.9% of you honest readers who take responsibility for your own
actions, I'm truly sorry it is necessary to subject all readers to the
above disclaimer.
- Ruby Basic
Tutorial: Learn Ruby's
basic syntax. Armed with this knowledge, you can make some pretty
substantial programs.
- Ruby the
Right Way: The Ruby community has worked long and hard to give you
a language that's easy, robust and readable. Writing Ruby with a C or
Perl accent gives you only half the power. This document tells you how
to use Ruby full blast.
- The Ruby_Newbie
Guide to Symbols: Overwhelmingly, Ruby conforms to Eric Raymond's
Rule of Least Surprise. However, the concept of Ruby Symbols recently
precipitated a rather lively 29 participant, 97 post (and counting)
thread on the mailing list, complete with
disagreements and killfile pronouncements. Perhaps some documentation
is called for :-)
- Ruby
Database Connectivity: How to connect Ruby to databases.
- Ruby on
Rails: Many tout Rails as the most productive web development
framework in existance. Learn about it here.
About Ruby Revival
The Ruby programming language gains adherants daily. It's fun and
scales well.
See what all the fuss is about...