INSTALLING/CONFIGURING VIMOUTLINER The Installing/Configuring info in README and INSTALLING.txt are identical! Summary of configuration methods Linux distribution specific VimOutliner packages The script Manual configuration Via package managers The following are planned but not yet implemented: Package for Debian RPM for Red Hat RPM for Mandrake Package installation is anticipated to be the easiest method But it will require root access Via the script Do NOT change to user root!!! Log in as the user for whom you're installing VimOutliner Make sure your otlbin directory is where you want it. cd to the otlbin directory ./ Answer Y to the first question if you're satisfied with what the script will be doing. Answer Y to the second question if the listed user is the one for whom you want to install VO Answer Y to the third question if you agree that the listed location of otlbin is the permanent location of the VimOutliner executables The now script performs the following tasks: Copy otlbin/outlinerconf directory to $HOME/.vimoutliner Symlink $HOME/.vim/outliner.vim to $HOME/.vimoutliner/outliner.vim Configure $HOME/.vimoutliner/vimoutliner.conf Specifically, sets the $OUTLINERBIN variable Finally, copy otlbin/ol to a place on the user's path. Manual Configuration When to perform manual configuration If you don't trust the configuration script If you want to use a special vim command for VimOutliner If the script doesn't address all your needs Roadmap of manual config steps Modify outlinerconf/vimoutliner.conf Copy outlinerconf subdirectory to $HOME/.vimoutliner Copy the ol script to a place on the path Modify $HOME/.vimoutliner/outliner.vim as desired This step probably is unnecessary and undesirable Modify outlinerconf/vimoutliner.conf PATHTOVIM= Set this to the Vim executable used as outliner If same Vim as used system wide, vim or gvim will suffice If different Vim Full path ie PATHTOVIM=/home/me/vim60ac/src/vim OUTLINERBIN= Set this to directory containing VimOutliner scripts As installed, it will end in otlbin e.g. if VimOutliner installed in /home/me/otlbin OUTLINERBIN=/home/me/otlbin Comments Any line whose first non-space is a hash mark (#) Only whole lines can be commented. Copy outlinerconf subdirectory to $HOME/.vimoutliner cp -p -R outlinerconf $HOME/.vimoutliner Copy ol to a place on the path Typically /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin Or else create a symlink to it from a dir on the path Modify $HOME/.vimoutliner/outliner.vim as desired WARNING! As of version VimOutliner 0.2.0 Modifying this file is probably unneccessary and undesirable. Version 0.2.0's outliner.vim is much more complex. You may wish to change the color coding. Vim language experts can change to their desires ALWAYS BACK UP outliner.vim BEFORE CHANGING!!!