Copyright (C) 1996 by Steve Litt

Welcome to Troubleshooters.Com. I'm Steve Litt. I created Troubleshooters.Com as a response to today's work environment, with its longer hours, shorter product cycles, and increased stress. Troubleshooters.Com is a single starting point for any troubleshooting. From here you can review the Universal Troubleshooting Process and Multi-Platform Troubleshooting, and you can link to experts, without encountering ads, resumes or broken links. To get the most out of Troubleshooters.Com, follow these steps:

  1. Review the Universal Troubleshooting Process online course if you're new to Be sure to go through all ten steps and the web page devoted to intermittents and reproducibles.
  2. Review the Multi-Platform Troubleshooting section if you are troubleshooting an automated system.
  3. Then go to the Access to Experts and Specialists section to find an expert to help you with your problem.

If you like what you see, check out my troubleshooting courses.

Note: If you think you're in the wrong place, bookmark this page and look up Similarly Named Websites.


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Access to Experts and Specialists

Like every website, Troubleshooters.Com is under construction. Some of the following expert categories are not linked YET. They will be. If you find a web site that should be linked to this one, please report it to the Troubleshooting Talent Scout.

Automotive Troubleshooting

Client-Server Troubleshooting

Coin-Op Troubleshooting

Internet Troubleshooting

Microcomputer Troubleshooting (PC, Mac hardware)

Operating System Troubleshooting

Source Code Troubleshooting (Debugging)

Windows 95 Win95 Troubleshooting

WordProcessor and/or Winhelp Troubleshooting 

[ Training | About Steve Litt | Email Steve Litt ]

Copyright (C)1996 by Steve Litt. -- Legal